Is your handbook all up to date and ready to roll out for 2019? Have you checked into your states current employment law changes? Maybe your company has grown and you want to offer a more generous PTO policy or benefits package to attract and retain awesome, talented people. Whatever it is, updating your handbook at least once a year ensures your company’s policies are aligned with its practices, and you’re in compliance with local, state and federal laws.
Below is a list of topics to consider reviewing when updating your employee handbook.
Employment Practices
Employment At-WillEqual Opportunity People with DisabilitiesJob Postings, Hiring and RecruitmentEmployment ClassificationIntroductory PeriodEmployee FilesPerformance & AttendancePromotionsDisciplinary & Corrective ActionGrievance ProcedureOpen Door Policy
Standards of Conduct
Code of ConductConfidentiality & Non-SolicitationDrug & Alcohol PolicyDress Code Policy Attendance & AbsencesSick CallsHarassment & other Inappropriate Conduct PreventionSexual Harassment PreventionSocial Media PolicyOregon Social Media Privacy PolicyCompany PropertySmokingElectronic Communication
Compensation & Hours
Operating HoursWork WeekTime KeepingOvertime PayPay Period & Pay DaysDirect DepositPaycheck DeductionsGarnishmentsPaycheck ErrorsWage IncreasesEmergency Closures & Inclement Weather
Benefits & Time-Off
Accessing PTO, Sick Time Laws & Holidays Leaves (OFLA, FMLA, Unpaid)Health Insurance BenefitsUnemployment CompensationCOBRASocial SecurityWorkers’ Comp
General SafetySerious Accident, Emergency or Fatality Fire Prevention & ProceduresViolence in the WorkplaceWeapons in the WorkplaceActive Shooter
Separation of Employment
Employment Termination PolicyReduction in Workforce/Lay-offsDismissalExit InterviewFinal Wages